Traditional and contemporary architecture are blended in its right proportion in designing the church. The Main Prayer Hall is designed with a spacious mezzanine floor to accommodate approximately 700 people. It is well ventilated with large doors and windows, allowing plenty of light and air circulation, thus reducing the use of lights and fans. The Church has 3 Altars, the main Altar is consecrated in the name of St. Mary the Mother of God and the two side Altars are consecrated in the name of St. Thomas and St. George. The Church building consists of large Verandas and Foyer, Office Room, well-furnished Suite for Bishop, Guest Room, Meeting Room, Locker, Changing Room, store and a Dining cum Resting room for the Priest. It is constructed in a spacious landscaped green campus of one acre with lot of fruit bearing trees. The church premise also houses a 3BHK Parsonage, Library and Hygienic Rest Rooms. The total constructed area is around 11,500 Sq.ft. Large Canvas Paintings on the walls depicting the life of Jesus, Glass Murals of St. George and St. Thomas, Hand carved main door by Aryabhangi and its metal ornamental works, stained glass murals of Jesus and Angels in the Altar and on the facade, original crystal chandeliers etc. add to the divine ambience of the Prayer Hall and its Holy expression. Convenient Barrier free access for physically challenged with special ramps for wheel chaired persons are provided on both sides. Another unique feature is the ample parking space which can accommodate over 100 cars. This building stands as a true testimony to the unity and harmony among the members of the parish. We kneel before the Lord Almighty for His abundant blessings showered on the members & well-wishers of our parish. We remember with everlasting gratitude for the prayerful support and untiring efforts of our beloved Very Rev. George Varghese Cor-Episcopa Achan & Kochamma in leading us against all odds and crisis. Also, the selfless support and cooperation of the Architect, Structural Consultant, all Contractors, Vendors and Financial support of the believers, shall always be remembered with deep sense of gratitude. We are immensely thankful to all those who have contributed in cash or kind, whether big or small and supported us during the construction of this Holy Place of Worship.

Dr. Aby Sam