Church Prayer Group

Akhila Malankara Prayer Group is the largest Spiritual Organisation of the Malankara
Orthodox Church. The prayer group has been constituted to monitor and streamline the family
prayer and Bible reading habits of the congregation. Since the prayer meetings are held at the
residents of the faithful, members of the church, have the opportunity to closely associate with
the family members, and know them personally and have a true fellowship with them. The aim
of the Prayer Group is to ascertain the Faith and Traditions of the Holy church and inculcate
love, brotherhood and concern among the faithful. It also brings about spiritual, material and
educational upliftment of our members. Our church prayer group meets fortnightly on Sunday
evenings. Prayer meeting starts with devotional songs, followed by opening prayer, bible
readings, devotional message, and finally the closing prayer. Apart from this, Lenten Prayer
Meetings are being held at the residence of the faithful, during the Great lent period on
weekdays. The current secretary of our prayer group is Shri. D. Mathews.