St. Mary's Orthodox Syrian Church, Injambakkam, Chennai. > MALANKARA ORTHODOX SHUSHRUSHAKA SANGAM (MOSS)

A Unit of the Malankara Orthodox Shushrushaka Sangam, Madras Diocese, is active in our
Parish. The objective of the MOSS is to give guidance to Altar Assistants and make uniformity
in the church’s worship and serve the church systematically. It also moulds children, who have
recognised the God’s call and Grace, to serve the church with dedication, with spiritual and
sacramental life. It also trains the Altar Assistants, in the Holy Church, traditional and ritual
service and perform it timely with all its meaning and value and make them members of the
Church’s serving community. Altar Assistant’s training is imparted under the guidance and
supervision of the Vicar of our Parish. Shri. Shaji M.K. is the present unit level coordinator of
the MOSS