Our church’s student and the youth community is growing steadily. The church being
strategically located with many IT companies and colleges around, many working
professionals and students coming from Kerala gather in our church to give witness and
deepening their spiritual life and to create in them a livelier sense of fellowship. It contributes
to the goodness and progress of the church and community in a threefold path of WORSHIP,
STUDY and SERVICE. It aims at moulding the minds and vision of the youth and to respond
to the contemporary issues in the society around us. Our church unit meets regularly on
Sundays after the Holy Qurbana. The discussion includes topics ranging from bible study,
church faith, belief, traditions and various other social issues in a Christian perspective. Our
unit has actively participated in leadership conferences, in different Regional and Diocesan
level competitions and won accolades for our church. The members actively volunteered in
collecting funds and relief materials for those affected during the massive Kerala floods. The
youth proactively involve and lend a helping hand during all the events and feasts conducted
by the church.